From the choosing your mobile home to its transportation and final installation, 4 Springs will follow you all the way, taking you step by step through all the stages that relate to the purchase of your mobile home. The transport falls, then, among the services we offer, as do the acquiring of the transport permits required.

As regards the regulations concerning the transport of mobile homes on the road, there are different categories. For a unit of a width up to 2 m 55 cm an ordinary transportation for which there are no special precautions is the norm. For widths up to 3 meters, transportation category one, while up to 4 meters is considered a wide load and therefore falls into the exceptional category. And if your mobile home exceeds 4 meters in width?

No problem, road transport is also feasible in this case but arrangements for transportation must be made in advance with the police. But don’t worry: we will take care of everything!